--> The perfect formula 28-day skin plan | healthy tips | Beby Reviews Tech

The perfect formula 28-day skin plan | healthy tips

The Porefect Formula 28-Day Skin Plan - Clickbank Click here for more images Beautiful skin is created by a body that is functionin...

The Porefect Formula 28-Day Skin Plan - Clickbank

Beautiful skin is created by a body that is functioning properly - that is eliminating waste efficiently, digesting food and transporting nutrients around the body. It is not something exclusively reserved for the genetically blessed.

By ensuring that our skin is in the best possible condition, we can not only improve our overall health - after all, what's good for our skin is good for our body as a whole - but also our confidence and happiness.

Whether you are suffering from a condition such as acne or psoriasis, or you just want beautiful skin, I have devised a natural dietary and lifestyle approach that will help you get the healthy skin you've always wanted.
Neutralisers: Avocados, limes and raw tomatoes have alkalising properties that help to create beautiful skin

Neutralisers: Avocados, limes and raw tomatoes have alkalising properties that help to create beautiful skin

The skin is the largest organ of the body. It protects us from invading bacteria, helps regulate body temperature and keeps our insides from falling out. It is made up of three layers - the outside layer, the epidermis; the middle layer, the dermis; and below that, the subcutaneous layer.

New skin cells form at the bottom of the epidermis and move gradually outwards, and the top layer of dead cells then sheds. This trip takes about four weeks, which means that with the right materials you can create better skin in a month.

The Healthy Skin Diet is based on an anti-inflammatory eating programme originally designed for those with skin conditions such as eczema.

It is also effective in eliminating psoriasis and dandruff, as well as improving mood swings, energy levels and rosacea. However, you don't have to have bad skin to follow this routine as it is fantastic for overall health and wellbeing.

To get you started, here are seven basic guidelines . . .


An essential step for beautiful skin involves 'friendly' gut flora, 'green' foods and drinks that have an alkalising effect on the body, and avoiding acid-forming foods.

Some parts of your body should be acidic, such as your stomach when it produces digestive acids. However, in general, your body's tissues and blood should be slightly alkaline.

There are two ways you can find out how acidic you are. Your GP can test your blood pH, or you can test your saliva or urine with pH strips from your local pharmacy.

These are made of litmus paper which changes colour when acidic or alkaline substances come into contact with it. When your body's pH is in balance, this reading should be between 7.0 and 7.5.
'Green' foods such as asparagus have an alkalising effect on the body

'Green' foods such as asparagus have an alkalising effect on the body

There are many types of acid-producing foods and when your body is continually trying to counteract an acidic state, acid can become a poison. The worst offenders are vinegar (except for apple cider vinegar), alcoholic drinks, margarine, pork and beef, salmon and mackerel.

Also acid-forming are coffee and black tea, yellow cheeses, pickles and mustard, chickpeas, most nuts, white rice and high-sugar and white-flour products.

However, you do not have to avoid these foods completely to be healthy. They can be enjoyed in moderation, but limit them to no more than three servings a day. The equivalent of two servings is two glasses of alcohol, or one coffee, and salmon and chickpeas for dinner.

Green drinks - those containing chlorophyll and wheatgrass - are the best way to create good acidalkaline balance. A liquid chlorophyll supplement, available from chemists, can give you an extra dose of vegetables daily. It can help to neutralise acids in the body so your blood is less likely to become sluggish and inefficient.

Alkalising foods include spinach, peppers, courgette, broccoli, carrots, cucumber, cabbage and sweet potatoes - and surprisingly lemons and limes (although the fruit is acidic, it is actually alkalising in the blood). Avocado, asparagus (below), garlic, onions, radishes and uncooked tomatoes are also mildly alkalising.

Other points to good acid-alkaline balance include limiting your caffeine intake, having four alcohol-free days a week, avoiding smoking, and drinking eight to ten glasses of water a day. Encourage friendly gut flora by taking a probiotic supplement.


Certain fats are moisturising to your skin - they moisturise you from the inside out. The good fats include GLA (found in Evening Primrose Oil), EPA, DHA and omega-3 (all found in oily fish and flaxseed).

Omega-3 is particularly good for your skin. It is abundant in cold-water fish such as sardines, trout and herring and although they are acid-forming, salmon and mackerel are good sources, too. Omega-3 is also found in flaxseeds, walnuts and green vegetables.

Omega-6, also found in flaxseeds, walnuts and leafy greens as well as eggs and fish, converts eicosapentaenoic acid (EPA) which decreases inflammation and improves skin moisture. It also helps normalise blood pressure, helps with cardiovascular health and can reduce your risk of certain cancers.

If you have dry skin, psoriasis, rosacea, dandruff or premature ageing take an omega-3 fish oil supplement (or flaxseed oil if you are vegetarian) in addition to eating oily fish two or three times a week.

Saturated fats in dairy, meat and fried foods can cause inflammation, dry skin and premature ageing. They can also increase your risk of heart disease, asthma, eczema and acne.

Limit your intake, and increase the amount of foods that help protect from the damaging effects of these fats, including onions, ginger, turmeric, red wine (which contains flavonoids), Vitamin E and selenium.


Melatonin is a hormone released during sleep. It has an antioxidant effect that helps to protect against DNA damage. As you age, the body's ability to produce melatonin plummets.

When your body doesn't produce enough, you will experience difficulty falling asleep and wake up after eight hours still feeling drowsy. However, a study
published in the Journal Of Clinical Endocrinology And Metabolism showed how melatonin levels can be manipulated by diet.

Scientists carried out a 12-year study on monkeys and found sensible calorie restriction not only improves melatonin production but reduces body fat, lowers blood glucose levels and delays and greatly reduces age-related problems and the risk of certain cancers.

You don't need to calorie-count. For meals, fill half your plate with salad or vegetables, the other half with carbohydrates and protein. Eat carbs that release energy slowly, such as grainy breads, brown rice and wholemeal pasta. Avoid 'hit and run carbs' that have a high glycemic index, such as white bread, chips, mashed potato and white rice.
Snack less and stick to healthy snacks such as almonds or an apple.

Make sure you include protein in two of your main daily meals. When eating animal protein, have a portion the size and thickness of the palm of your hand. Have a maximum of two servings of red meat a week, including lean lamb, beef and organic liver, and a maximum of two servings of white meat per week, such as skinless chicken. And eat up to three servings of seafood a week.

And don't starve yourself. Excessive dieting is bad for the skin so be sensible and never skip a meal.


You might be surprised to learn that many skin products contain ingredients that scientific studies have deemed 'harmful to our skin' or 'not beneficial'.

Sodium Lauryl Sulfate (SLS) penetrates the skin and damages its protective barrier function. Formaldehyde can irritate the skin and trigger allergic reactions such as rashes and heart palpitations. It can also aggravate asthma. Parabens DEA and MEA can cause skin and mouth irritations.

Sunscreen should play a starring role in your quest for younger-looking skin. Apply to the parts of your body that age the fastest - face, neck, decolletage and hands. Look for one that is formulated for children or toddlers as these are likely to be fragrance-free and lower in synthetic chemicals.

If you have dry or flaky skin, or wrinkles and premature ageing, exfoliating with a granulated cream or scrub will leave your skin looking and feeling smoother. Don't exfoliate your skin if you have acne or broken skin such as wounds, bites or rashes.


During sleep your body releases a series of hormones that control significant functions in your body. One of the most vital is melatonin.

Light suppresses the release of melatonin and darkness stimulates it, so a night in a darkened room increases your chances of optimal melatonin production.

It's not just about night-time sleep - you have to start your day right. Get a dose of sunshine in the morning. Choose a wake-up time and stick to it (even after a late night out) and make sure you get ten minutes of sunlight before 10am. This will help you reset your body clock and boost your Vitamin D levels so you are more likely to wake up feeling refreshed.

Foods that promote a more restful night's sleep are those which contain tryptophan, an amino acid that the body uses to make serotonin and melatonin, sleep-inducing hormones.

Tryptophan-rich foods include milk, cottage cheese and plain yogurt. However, since the Healthy Skin Diet is dairy-free, eat other tryptophan-rich foods such as seafood, turkey, wholegrains, brown rice, beans, houmous, lentils, eggs, hazelnuts and sunflower seeds.


Sunlight is essential to health. You need to have small exposure on a regular basis so your skin can produce a form of Vitamin D.

Minimum UV exposure is the key - about ten minutes a day of unfiltered sunshine directly on the skin will keep Vitamin D deficiency away.

But too much sun can be damaging. UVB rays are more likely to cause some forms of skin cancer and UVA rays penetrate deep into the skin and promote free radicals that age your skin prematurely.

UV radiation is increased by reflective surfaces such as sand, water and snow.

UV rays can also penetrate through windows, windshields and thin clothing. When out in the sun, wear protective clothing and a hat.

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Beby Reviews Tech: The perfect formula 28-day skin plan | healthy tips
The perfect formula 28-day skin plan | healthy tips
Beby Reviews Tech
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